Unable to connect to the Web by HTTP site after viewing once it with HTTPS.

If I find a site with SSL (https). If later, I need to use it without ssl (http protocol) I can't, I am forced to use https. If you must know why it's necessary, it's because a Web site "https://example.com" ssl certificates configured properly, then

Attempts to migrate files, but some files are invisible to me

Description of the problem: Old PC died, but hard drive was fine. Bought a new PC, removed old hard drive from the old computer, used an adapter to connect the old hard drive to new computer (this part has functioned well). My music files are of seve

Dual HDMI display does not work with Toshiba still WT8

Hi all I noticed that the duplication of the screens via HDMI is not possible with the Toshiba still WT8. There seems to be a recognized problem, however, my question is: Is it possible to manually operate?When released the drivers/fix at Toshiba? Th

Only stopping a Mid-sync effect iPod music files?

I just got a new iPod classic (160 GB). I have plugged in and was trying to synchronize the songs, when I tried to restore it for other reasons. He drew from the Mid-sync (rather than stop synchronization and clicking on eject), reconnected inside an

How to change the default folder to scan hp 4680

Hello I want to change the default destination for the scans folder.

? the best way to test and calibrate a flow using a PCI-6602 meter?

I don't see.  I want to take an E + H Promag 53 meter readings to a 6602 after a steady flow is reached.  store about 4 values in registers a minute apart.  compare to ESA and get the correction factor. So I can read the pulses flow and/or charges.

Word, lines background color table

Hello I need help working table, the background color of line. I have a different table from the doc. but this specific table will be the place where the bookmark (test2). And this table should have all the lines of even number of color gray or any o

Keithley 2100 the temperature

Hi, I have a keithley 2100 6 1/2 Digit multimeter and I need to measure temperature with her but I don't know how, I only find how custom DCV ACV resistance etc, but I had not found a way to put my PT-100 alpha, beta and delta configurations for my p

Lollipop for the 1st generation of bike g

When we have Indian motorcycle consumer g 1st generation will officially get updates to the lollipop?

HP Pavilion dv6 2021TX: error code-72352777

Enter the administrator password or power on password... hp Pavilion dv6-2120tx... pls help me... error code 72352777. kindly help

Where is the documentation on front panel objects?

This might be a stupid question, but is it helps on objects of façade? For example, on the front panel, I chose Modern-> list, table & tree-> Listbox. Now, I typed the letters A, B, C in the list box and right click on the node of the list box on the

security issues - Security Center displays all low security & access denied

original title: security issues Down on my task bar that I have a flag with a red cross on it, when she opened States that all my safety is low iam unable to turn it back on ive tried to turn it on threw the Task Manager and it tells me access is den

lost all sound on Vista, speakers are on and can help you

At viewing a new visual e-mail with voice article.  The screen on the left. Now I have no sound, even with the connection and disconnection from my windows.vista. ?   can you suggest. - pregnant are on.

Cannot reach the update

I just installed and activated Win XP x 64 when I tried to check the update, the screen told me she required a 32-bit screen and begin a download, when the screen has been downloaded immediately disappeared and has been replaced by a screen saying th

Under XP SP3. Cannot open IE7, both products to date. Get an error RUNDLL "PROBLEM OPENING C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl.

Reciently recovered from a virus on the computer running XP.  XP RELOADED and upgrades and IE7 reloaded with all the changes.  Can use Outlook Express to receive and send email but no action all orders or addresses (eg.  has been unable to respond to

MSN Money do not accept new password.

MSN money 2007 has been installed since 2007. I am on windows xp & never had problems w/money from opening. I changed my windows live id p'word, but trying to connect to msn money of the program will not be aceppt the new p'word?

At the start, both operating systems are displayed - the first is not what I want

When I start my Dell laptop a screen comes with two choices of operating system Both are XP Pro - the first is highlighted and unless I have arrow downwards it boots - when I try to run a program, an error message says there is not enough memory. Whe

Windows media center xp 2005 with digital tuner units

Windows media center xp 2005 will not see my digital tuner when I installed it.  I do not have an analog tv tuner.  Is it still a bug, or is there a solution for this.  Thank you

My computer keeps giving me the blue screen of death... even after that I reinstalled the operating system

I have an emachines W3644... it came originally with windows xp family, but I currently have windows xp pro installed. It worked great for 4 months, no problems or anything. I got it sitting speakers... speakers were not connected or hung. I don't kn

My product key is partially missing. I had to have my reconfigured computer and need to reinstall Office Professional 2007 as soon as possible. Any ideas?

I desperately need to know how to get the rest of my product-part of it has rubbed off.  I had to reconfigure my computer and must be able to use the Office Professional 2007 I already have.  Please notify.  Thank you!  Best regards, reverie Escobedo